Your Teachers!

Your Teachers!
Mrs. Beaverson and Miss Yesnes

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week 2

Our second week of school just flew by, the 4 day week felt much shorter than our 5 day first week, that is for sure. We continued this week getting to know our classmates as they shared their Get To Know Me Bags. We even learned that one student's sister went to high school with Miss Yesnes, our student teacher. It truly is a small world. Each student created a personality swirl which highlighted their artistic ability and their positive attributes. Their wonderful creations are hanging on our wall and have added a lot of                                                      color and personality to our classroom.

The students spent a lot of time on the chromebooks and computers using Google Classroom and Google Drawing. They created their own binder covers and constructed what their successful student looks like.  We continued to build our reading stamina and are now up to reading 25 minutes uninterrupted. Miss Yesnes and I have been interviewing the students and learning more about their reading likes and dislikes along with their feelings about reading and them as a reader. Now that we have our binders the students are able to start their 20 Book Challenge. Each student has a chart that will be filled in each time they complete a book. They write in the title and author. If the book is over 250 pages it counts as 2 books! The 5th Grade Book Challenge is to read 40 books by the end of the year. So we want to have 20 books read by January, that's why we are asking that they read every night at home for homework.

We jumped right in to Unit 1 in math and the students have impressed us with their work ethic, math skills and questions. We took a multiplication facts test on Friday and will be working on making sure that everyone has those facts memorized.

The students were given the opportunity to complete the Cup Tower Challenge and the Marshmallow Challenge again this week. They thought about what worked and what didn't the first go around. They then came up with solutions and new ideas to help them be successful. Every group was able to accomplish the Cup Tower Challenge and 4 out of 7 groups were successful at the Marshmallow Challenge. The first time only 1 out of 7 groups were able to make a tower out of spaghetti that would hold a marshmallow up top. It was a great way for the students to learn that we don't always succeed on the first try and that some things take numerous tries before we are successful.

We ended the week with an all school assembly where we learned more about the Alice Smith Behavior Basics and about Being Brave. Their own Mrs. Beaverson stood up in front of the entire school and gave a pep talk about being brave. I challenged the students to be brave by sharing their ideas, trying new foods at lunch, standing up to a bully or thinking outside the box, etc. I am okay talking in front of 30 students but 600 students frightens me to death, so I was showing them how to be brave. We will continue to
                                                      check in with the students to see how they are being brave.

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